3 Keys To Becoming Affluent!
a. Having too much money?
b. Having Ease with money?
c. Enjoying money?
d. Becoming money?
Or It’s all of the above. YES. It’s all of the above.
Affluence is not just having lots of money but also having ease and joy with and as money until you yourself become money. Most people choose money so they create more money, some choose for wealth and they create wealth but very few choose and ask for having affluence. Personally, I feel like it’s because we are not educated enough around being affluent. We grow up thinking affluence is not normal or its not possible for everybody but is that really true? Or it’s a lie? It’s a LIE. How many lies are you using to not choose being affluent are you choosing? Being Affluent is a choice we make and making the choice to be affluent is something that’s very easy than we think it is. Being Affluent requires commitment to live a life that’s worth living and is an honouring of you and your body simultaneously. Most people are committed to mediocrity but honestly it requires same energy and effort to be affluent or may be less than that. Mediocrity is a hard work. Affluence is smart work.
Three keys, that I know for sure, can make you and anybody an affluent person irrespective of where you’re today. So, let’s understand what these three keys are and how to use them.
One of the easiest way to become affluent is to ask question and be question. In our desperate desire to be smarter than others we often forget the simple things that makes life worth living and too much fun simultaneously. One of the laws of our universe is ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE, but how many times do we really ask. Wishing, Desiring for something is not really an Ask. You can change nothing unless you ask a question and be the question. Question creates possibilities. Answer eliminates all possibilities. People who are truly affluent are always in question, they never buy anybody else’s answer as true for them. Most people are always looking for the right answer. Every time you go to answer instead of question, you create a limitation you cannot overcome. You have got to be able to ask questions. It expands your knowing. When you are trying to have the answer, it diminishes your knowing and stops everything dead in its tracks. When you are being the question, there is nothing but change and transformation and that’s where you begin your journey to become an affluent person. When you are not being the question, you are looking for the answer so you can get your life right. Here’s one question for getting yourself out of everywhere you are stuck being not affluent. Ask “How does it get any better than this?” When you ask this question, you’re inviting the universe to provide you with information, to tell you or show you how it gets better. So, if something goes wrong in your life, go “How does it get any better than this?” And if something goes right in your life, go, “How does it get any better than this? And also, ask “What’s right about this that I’m not getting?”, it is a way in which we start to look at what is good about what we’ve done rather than looking at what is bad. To be Affluent you have to overcome the tendency to look at what is bad. When you do so you shift your energy and attention beyond the trauma and drama of this reality. Would an affluent person be stuck in trauma and drama? Of course not! An affluent person always looks for infinite possibilities. What do you know?
Every choice you make today creates the future you desire tomorrow. The greatest gift we all have is our capacity to choose. It’s very similar to like 24hours of a day. We all get 24hrs a day, but our choice to use it, the way we use it, creates what shows up in each one’s life. One of the biggest lies we have bought is that things happens to us. The moment you buy this lie you give away your capacity to choose and you cannot create your life as you really desire. We create everything in our life be it good, bad, beautiful or ugly, by the choices we make. Whenever you choose, whatever you choose, Ask Will this choice create affluence? YES or NO. And keep asking “What else can I choose today to generate, create affluence for me right away?”
What do you pay attention to on daily basis? You got to get this “That which you pay attention to becomes your reality”. Most people pay attention to what they do not desire, what they do not like, what they suffer with and that’s how it becomes their reality. What do you pay attention to on daily basis? Lack or Abundance? Pay attention to everything you desire. How do you do that? It’s simple whenever you see someone having, doing or being what you desire to have or do or be, ask “I would like to have that too.” “What would it take for that to show up in my life too?” And really practice to be happy and grateful for that person who is already having it as that invites it in your life with more ease and joy and in glorious ways.
Happy Being Affluent!