Do you want to solve your problems? Or Do you want to create more possibilities?
Have you noticed when you solve your problems they never end showing up? Why so?
It’s a lie. Nothing is a problem, Everything is a situation. Your belief that you have all these problems sticks you, because that’s what a lie does. Isn’t it?
Truth is, It’s not about problems. It’s about possibilities you can’t yet find your way to choose.
You know what! There is a trick…first thing don’t call any situation of your life as a problem, instead see it what it is. A situation.
When you try to solve a problem or you think about a problem you create more problems in your life. You know why? As your reality is not the reality, its what you pay attention to. When you look for solving problems, what are you paying attention to? Problems. So, what will show up in your reality PROBLEMS. Do you see that?
How often did you think that if I solve this problem everything will be fine in my life but it never shows up like that? It’s like you solve one problem and there is another problem ready for you to solve. As if life is a continuous journey to solve problems. And some people really believe that as true.Funny,Isn’t it?
Thinking or Speaking something as a problem in your life is a conclusion. Anytime you are coming to conclusion, you are trying to solve something that you’ve already decided you can’t solve. And When you come to conclusion, you erase possibilities.
So what do you do then?
Look everything as a situation.. They are situations…A possibility unexplored!
And go to question How can I go around this? Or How can I use this to my advantage? When you go to question, you become aware of what might be so that you haven’t even considered yet.
Right now some of us may be thinking the covidas a problem and some of us may be thinking it as a situation. When we see something as a problem we feel like a victim, we feel like something is happening to us. And that limits us more than we can imagine.Whereas if you see everything as a situation in your life and ask a question- What would it take for this situation to turn into a possibility in my life?
Then thing starts changing for you and as a result you pay attention to more possibilities thereby creating more possibilities. Like right now the whole situation that is going on around the world or in your life, in your family wherever you are just for a moment acknowledge So I have this situation going on and ask — What would it take for all of this situation to turn into a possibility for me? And be in this question, all the time.
And see for yourself what shows up for you…
Hello there! My name is Saurav R Tiberewaal and I am an Access Certified Facilitator, Graphologist and a life coach. I have been using Access tools that has empowered me in all areas of my life. One of the reasons I love facilitating Access classes and discuss with people about Access tools is, they are very simple and easy to use and brings profound change in all areas of life.
I invite you to explore these Access tools with me that can change everything you always desired to change but could not change it yet. Please know that you are the source for the change you have been seeking in life.